Witch Wound ALchemy 

 Navigate Internalized Patriarchy & Reclaim Your Unique Magic and Power 

  • Recognize the ways internalized patriarchy shows up in your subconscious mind, thoughts,  behaviors, & patterns

  • Help regulate your somatic experience so that you can safely practice allowing yourself to be truly seen, speak your truth, & stand in your power

  • Embody the journey of the Scorpio archetypes from the Scorpion to the Rising Phoenix

  • Process & integrate your shadows around being intuitive, erotic, magical, & powerful

  • Burn away  limiting thoughts, behaviors, patterns and rising into a more deeply embodied and expressive version of you 

  • Tap into the unique expression of your Feminine Wisdom, which drops you deeper into the wisdom of your body and its instrumental power as a compass to your Soul Expression

  • Reignite the connection to your Magic & Intuition, which is communicated to you in its own unique way, so that you can follow your deeper Inner Knowing 

  • Expand your energetic field and root into your own power, so that you can safely take up space in the world

  • Practice deeper receptivity and call on support of your Spirit Guides & Benevolent Ancestors. You don't have to do anything alone

  • SO MUCH MORE!!!                  

We will cover these topics in a deeply embodied way. That means you learn how to integrate this work into your subconscious mind, nervous system, & energy body. This creates deep, long lasting shifts and results.

 Together, we will cover how to: 

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Investment: $77


Unwind internalized patriarchy & toxic masculinity to root back into your embodied power & unique magic. 

A 2 hour workshop to learn powerful tools to repattern the ways you make yourself smaller, expand your energy field, & plug into supportive guidance from Universal Consciousness.

The Witch Wound primarily manifests as the fear of being truly seen, speaking your truth, standing in your power, embodying your magic, & creative wisdom. 

It is deep scar that is left in your cellular memory, subconscious mind, & energetic imprint. 

And it continues to live on today because of the continued efforts of the patriarchy to silence Feminine Wisdom.

Because women who are disconnected from their power and shamed into submission are easier to control. 

It was and is still about suppressing magic, holistic healing, & connection to the wisdom and sacredness of the earth. 

Because MANY industries thrive today as a direct result of their suppression & diminishing their credibility, by categorizing them as “woo woo”. Don’t even get me started on that term.


But on top of that, it’s about controlling women’s sovereignty and brainwashing them with marketing that is constantly telling them to buy products because they need to earn love, beauty, and worthiness. 

Because a woman who has an eroding self esteem and is questioning whether she is enough, will not speak up, fight back, or plug into her power.

Manifestations of the Witch Wound look like:

✧ Ignoring your Inner Knowing/Intuition

✧ Repressing your desires & shaming them

✧ Dimming your light & true Self expression; playing small

✧Surrendering your power by not sharing your voice & speaking your truth

✧Belittling your creativity and not honoring your ideas & creations 

✧Disconnection & numbness in the body, living primarily in your mind

✧Inability to receive pleasure

✧ Overriding the signs & signals of your body leading to Health issues, burnout, & mystery illnesses

In this masterclass we will dive deep into teachings and discussions on these topics and more.

We will integrate this with a somatic experience by following the journey of the Scorpio archetypes of the Scorpion to the Rising Phoenix. 

It will help you embody a new energetic imprint by sitting with your own shadow with these topics, burning away old imprints, and finally rising from the ashes and stepping into your true expression. 

This work has always been important. 

But because on all the things happening in the world today, it’s 
now more important than ever. 

My desire is to have more women reclaiming their magic, desire, power, body, & voice so that Feminine Wisdom can rise again.

Join me.


The One Who Is Connected Into Your Heart's Frequency, Tapped Into Your Power, Sexually Alive, Vibrant, Abundant, Playful, Rooted, & Open.

This version lives within you & is a powerful guide. 

This masterclass is a portal to bring this energy forward and deepen your connection to it, so that you can experience the highest vision of your life and be your true self, unapologetically.

It is wildly life changing in the best ways possible.

I invite you to pause, To Visualize & Feel The Most Free & Alive Version Of You...

if this is speaking to you...

This guided practice is a powerful way to recalibrate & root back into your center.

You will find a deeper connection to your breath  & body, so that your nervous system can unwind.  You will release any stuck or stagnant energy,  deepen in your connection to Universal Consciousness, & activate your magnetic power. Ready to dive in? 


Energy Hygiene & Nervous System
Reset Meditation