Meet Shannon


I'm Shannon, Your Guide to Spiritual & Sexual Transformation. 

I’m a masterful space holder and bring my unique expertise, wisdom, & psychic gifts to the table. 

I see your highest potential, where you are unapologetically yourself & totally turned on by your life, and what is holding you back from living that in your day to day. 

I sit with you in your DEEPEST, DARKEST shadows, without fear or judgement, and guide you into curiosity and safety with those parts of yourself. So that you can transmute your shame & guilt and discover the absolute gems that are hidden within them. 

My unique skillset has expanded over a decade with training & certifications in Neuroscience, Nervous System Health, Breathwork, Somatic Healing, Classical & Neo Tantra, Yoga & Meditation, Reiki energy, Psychic & Mystical abilities, Ayurveda, and Psychology & Social Behavior. 

I guide you on how to bring deep spiritual practices into your daily life, in a very practical and accessible way. My life journey so far has been the wildest rollercoaster, so keep reading to learn a bit more about me, & all the wisdom that I would love to share with you <3

 Spiritual Life Coach 
Tantra: Conscious Love,Sex,
Dating & Relationships
Shamanic Reiki Master
Yoga & Meditation Teacher
Spiritual Business Coach & Consultant

Spiritual Life Coach
 Tantra: Conscious Love, Sex,
Dating & Relationships
Shamanic Reiki Master
Yoga & Meditation Teacher
Spiritual Business
 Coach & Consultant

In 2018, I had a concussion that literally changed the course of my life. It felt like I was plunging into a dark hole without anybody to catch me.

 I was forced to rethink my whole life and reflect on all the unhelpful habits & patterns that were keeping me on the path of burnout, frustration, & disconnection to my power. 

I had been stuck in a trance of unworthiness for so long without realizing it. I was constantly running on a hamster wheel of overachieving & perfectionism, but still feeling like an imposter deep down. I was constantly trying to please people around me, which resulted in me overstepping my own boundaries, eventually abandoning myself and what mattered to me.

I finally realized I was so disconnected from my own true nature, my aliveness, joy, pleasure, & freedom. This led me to dive deeper into the path of Tantra and rediscover myself through my own spiritual power & pleasure.

In 2020, the brain inflammation from my concussion started to create inflammation in my gut. My whole body started to break down. Basic life tasks of eating and sleeping were now a nightmare. I had an allergic reaction to everything I ate. My skin would itch so badly at night that I couldn’t sleep. My lab results all indicated that I was heading to an autoimmune disorder, if I wasn’t there already. 

I barely had enough energy to get through the day. Literally just getting groceries drained all my energy. Let alone trying to work or create anything. My business was obviously suffering because of this and that also became a huge source of stress. 

I felt like I wouldn’t be able to continue, that I had failed myself & my business, and that I would have to shut everything down. I was genuinely at my wit’s end and ready to let everything go. 

And just to top it all off, I also had to end a loving, though toxic, relationship with someone I genuinely loved. I was overwhelmed with crushing heartbreak and grief. 

Everything had fallen apart. It felt paralyzing. But I had to figure out my next step. I had to really work to quiet my mind, ground my energy, & calm my nervous system so that I could listen to the whispers of my heart & Soul.

Then very slowly, step by step, a new path and life began to unfold. This began a whole new journey to create deep friendship & partnership with myself as the foundation for my life. It took years of patience, trial & error, learning, & constantly showing up to get to where I am today. 

And all of it has become a core part of my teachings to help you design a life that is filled with joy, rooted power, pleasure, embodied confidence, & leadership. A life that is built on a foundation of unshakeable self-love, self-trust and deep friendship & partnership with all of who you are.

Things started to expand & look up for a bit, until I was plunged into an even deeper hole.

So now the question is, are you ready to step into your most Magnetic, Powerful, & Pleasured Era?

Cancer Sun, Gemini Moon, Aquarius Rising
currently learning how to dj
on my bucket list: Yacht Week in Croatia
fall is my favorite season. Halloween vibes


Featured Services

Rooted Mentorship

To be fully Rooted in yourself means that you have an unshakeable foundation of Self Love & Self Trust, you embrace your unique power, & follow your deeper knowing. 

LEarN More

When you can harness the skill of true presence & deep intimacy with yourself, you embody rooted power, confidence, & leadership in any room you step into you. 

learn more

Learn how to use Universal Life Force Energy to elevate the vibration of your energetic body, which brings harmony to your body, mind, heart, and soul. 

learn more

bedroom to boardroom

Shamanic Reiki Sessions &Training

After working with Shannon, I’ve been able to experience for the first time in my life what it feels like to feel fully complete and whole as a person. To feel fully grounded in myself. Before I was afraid of being alone, chasing relationship after relationship and always compromising and losing myself in the process.. I now show up differently in my career and my creative projects, with friends and family and potential suitors. I’m better able to say no when I mean no and yes when I mean yes. I’ve been attracting tons of great opportunities and healthy relationships in all areas of my life. "

"I feel like some secret super power has been unleashed within myself

-Paula S.

I’m so grateful I met Shannon and the profound transformational healing skills she offers through her work. Shannon provided a safe space and the session was an incredible addition to my healing practice. I felt how present she showed up for it and knowledgeable about the practice is, which made it a wonderful experience and continues to bring me renewed insight. 

“I was called into Reiki as I needed to heal & ground myself while letting go of a connection.


"I would recommend your work to women who have trouble expressing themselves, in life & in the bedroom. 

-Nicole M.

Also women who are chronically stressed and always rushing. I think they would benefit from exploring their thought patterns around pleasure, in order to reframe beliefs that keep them from getting to experience it in everyday life.” 

Your desires & your vision for your life are very specific to you. They’re encoded into your Soul because they’re meant to come alive through you. Through YOUR unique expression and YOUR energetic vibration. You have the exact DNA & frequency to make it happen. 

Deep down you can feel the disharmony within yourself when you’re not living your truth, not connected to your heart’s deepest desires, & not expressing the fullest version of you. 

Once you release your old limiting beliefs, patterns, & what is no longer energetically aligned to you…

You create the space to cultivate what it is that you do want to experience and receive in this life.

That’s when you magnetize the opportunities, connections, and experiences that make your heart sing & your body feel so alive and turned on.

It’s when you become the most magnetic, powerful, & pleasured version of you. Your most free and alive self.

Ready to dive in? 

contact me

How long are you willing to let things stay exactly the same?

This juicy practice is my ABSOLUTE favorite. You will learn how to work with your body, breath, intention, & Chakras (energy centers) in a profound way.

This practice allows you to release what is no longer serving you, activate your magnetic power, and manifest your desires & life vision. It can be done as a renewing meditation or in combination with a self pleasure practice. Whatever vibe you’re feeling for the day ;) Ready to dive in? 


Sex Magic: The Magnetic Power of Meditation & Pleasure